Trying Something New

Success, Go Get It

In any aspect of life we get into routines, schedules and comfort zones. For us to grow and become our “best self” we need to embrace change and more importantly, embrace trying something new.

If you shy away from challenges and remain in your comfort zone, it’s time to burst out. It’s time to challenge yourself and achieve the growth you desire. Outside of the comfort zone is where the magic happens and sustainable growth occurs.

Seeing Your Potential Realized

In your comfort zone, you can perform steady and consistent work. To achieve growth, one should always be in a state of “Optimal Anxiety.” “Optimal Anxiety”, is where you acknowledge your fear, feel it and move forward anyway.

Focus on what you want to achieve and make a plan to achieve your dreams. A dream written down with a date becomes a goal, a goal broken into steps becomes a plan. A plan backed by action becomes reality.

Now it’s time to take the leap. Embrace what scares you and charge forward with courage to grow as an individual.

Try Something New Everyday

At Noble Leadership Institute we understand and pursue the values of being strong, determined and courageous leaders. Here we focus on behavioral leadership competencies rather than individual skill development.


Because leaders who have the right mindset have the advantage of making informed and thoughtful decisions in the professional world. This also translates into developing the skill to try something new everyday. Here’s how.

Everyone is different. Not all the steps identified below will fit for every person and that’s fine. Create a set of daily tasks that help you begin trying new things and grow.


We all have them and we all know them. However, I challenge you to think of 5 daily routines that positively affect your mood and personal growth.

Do you get physical exercise, do you practice breathing and calming exercises like meditation? Are you spending time connecting with loved ones and friends? Are you making sure you speak up at meetings for work? All these things are potential ways to continue to push yourself every day.

Switch your routines and make sure that you think about what you will change. Trying something new is not going to be an easy or an unconscious task, you have to be purposeful and focus on what you want to change and challenge you and work it out like a muscle.

Getting Real with Yourself

Trying something new everyday is more than just a workout schedule. In order to try something new everyday you must encourage self critique and self awareness. When you become real about where you are scared, where you fall into a comfort zone then you can identify what needs to be changed.

With a conscious and focused mind, self improvement will come in the form of trying something new quickly.

Give up Control

This can be tricky. We often strive to control every aspect around us, but the only thing within our control, is how we respond to situations. Challenges will occur regardless of our attempt to control or avoid them, addressing challenges will move you into action.

Accept new challenges when they arise and loosen control over the process. Focus on your response.

Set Goals

Setting realistic goals that move you closer to your dreams. Put a date to it, and hold yourself accountable. A dream without an action plan, is just a dream! Make sure that you evaluate your goals frequently so that you are reminded every day of how to pursue them.

Don’t Take Anything for Granted

Remember that the reason personal confidence and growth matters is so that you don’t miss opportunities presented to you, due to comfort or anxiety. Trying something new means realizing some things only happen once.

Grab life when it presents itself. Try new ideas when you can because opportunities come and go.

Trying New Ideas


Trying new ideas is one of the main ways to slowly test your personal confidence. For those of you who are scared to raise your hand in a meeting, or nervous to talk about your perspective.

It’s time to speak up!

Your voice is powerful and valid. Test yourself by making that leap, and testing new ideas. We are all ready for change and new experiences, no matter how large or small. Make a point to identify your new ideas and try them out.

What’s powerful about trying new things is that this is a universal achievement. The following article is from a gardening blog, and talks with amazing accuracy about 4 Benefits of Trying New Things. The article’s takeaways of trying new things apply to anyone.

Noble Leadership Institute offers dynamic leadership training for forward thinking companies. Our work is focused on giving employees their courage and behavioral advantages to make real and effective change in their professional world.

At Noble Leadership Institute we build bold and powerful leaders who can help drive companies into a more inclusive and productive environment. See the Testimonials of past clients to get a feel for the change Noble Leadership Institute can impart on your company​.

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